Who we are
We’re a group of Mormon activists and organizers “anxiously engaged in a good cause.” We “seek to bring forth and establish the cause of Zion.” Our program, organization, and members are dedicated to Socialist and Leftist political theory grounded in the Mormon religious, spiritual, and historical tradition. We hope for a better world and believe that world is possible. That hope is an anchor that allows us to act in faith as we engage in revolutionary struggle to build that world. Many believe a better world is impossible. We reject this strongly. A better world is possible. Jesus teaches that Christians should be praying for God’s Kingdom to “come … on earth as it is in Heaven.” The Apostle James taught that “faith without works is dead.” If we pray for this Kingdom as we have been instructed, we are bound to earnestly labor to make it a reality—“blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion.” We can’t just sit and wait for that Kingdom to come. “Zion will be built.”
We hope and struggle for a world where people “[hold] all things common,” there are “no poor among” us, and there are “not rich and poor, bond and free, but .. all made free, and partakers of the heavenly gift” of salvation, justice, and liberation. We hope and struggle for a world where imperialism and colonialism are dismantled and humans can “cultivate the principles of union and friendship,” where “justice roll[s] down like water and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream,” and “wars and contentions cease, and [humans] become friends and [siblings].” We hope and struggle for a world that has committed itself to anti-racism. A world where systems oppress “no more against [humans] because of the [color] of their skins.” We struggle for a world that embraces intersectional feminism, Trans and Queer liberation, and disability justice. A world that recognizes the divine truth that “from [a common] ancestor [God] made all peoples to inhabit the whole earth” together, all being “alike unto God,” all being made in our Heavenly Parents’ image and Their “offspring.”
We struggle for a world where “the earth [is] glad,” no longer “pained” and “weary” by the violence and sin done to Her and those who reside on Her. A world where people do not neglect our collective responsibility for environmental stewardship. A world where “the earth [is] renewed and receive[s] its paradisiacal glory,” and we, laboring alongside the Lord, cause “solitary [and ravished] places to bud and to blossom, and to bring forth in abundance.” A world without prisons and oppression, where we live by the Marxist maxim, “From each according to [their] ability, to each according to [their] needs;” or as God revealed to Joseph Smith: where people “manag[e] the concerns of [their] stewardships, every [person] according to [their] wants and [their] needs, inasmuch as [their] wants are just.”
It is essential that the working class moves together in unity, disrupting unjust systems for our collective liberation. We are dedicated to that struggle. We “seek not for power, but to pull it down.” The Christian Gospel will always be one of liberation for “the least of these” and all oppressed peoples. We are committed to that Gospel. Our Heavenly Parents weep because of oppressive systems that act as “great chain[s]” that “veil the whole face of the earth.” Further, as Mormons, our worship of a Palestinian Jew lynched by an occupying army demands that we seek to dismantle the very dehumanizing forces that justified the murder of our God. We struggle in solidarity with oppressed groups around the world for a world without capitalism, imperialism, colonialism, Αpartheid, racism, sexism, ableism, queerphobia, carceral systems, and religious and ethnic persecution.