Radical Faith.
Radical Action.
We’re Mormon activists and organizers anxiously engaged in the good cause to “bring forth and establish the cause of Zion.” We struggle for the building of a better world without capitalism, exploitation, imperialism, oppression, and unjust systems.
Who we are
We “seek to bring forth and establish the cause of Zion” (D&C 6:6, 11:6). Our program, organization, and members are dedicated to Socialist and Leftist political theory grounded in the Mormon religious, spiritual, and historical tradition. We hope for a better world without capitalism, imperialism, exploitation, colonialism, Αpartheid, racism, sexism, ableism, queerphobia, carceral systems, as well as religious and ethnic persecution. We believe that world is possible. Our hope in that world is an anchor that allows us to act in faith as we engage in revolutionary struggle to build a better world.
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Join the Struggle!
Are you a Mormon dedicated to the fight against imperialism, capitalism, and oppressive systems? Join us in the struggle to build a better world! We are a non-sectarian organization, any Leftist grounded in the spiritual, religious, or historical Mormon tradition is welcome to join. The only requirements are that you accept our program and want to engage in the revolutionary struggle for a better world.
Contact us:
Interested in working together or collaborating? Send us some information about who you are and what you’re proposing, and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!
Email us: mormons.with.hope@gmail.com
We believe in a free and empowered press! We’re happy to answer inquires within a reasonable timeframe!
Email us: mormons.with.hope@gmail.com
Interested in joining us, attending a meeting, or learning more? We’d love to answer your questions!
Email us: mormons.with.hope@gmail.com